oktagon Deko
With the rising awareness of the chemicals used in today’s bread loafs & other baked goods, baking has gotten very popular, especially among people that suffer from Coeliac disease.  Compared to store bought flour, fresh milled whole grains and the breads we make from them is that they are fresher, have more fiber, and naturally occurring vitamins. Also, they taste much better and if you buy grain in the bulk, home baked bread is much cheaper than store bought. This is where the German based company Hawos comes in.  Hawos is known globally for providing reliable grain mills that not only grind very fine flour, but also look fantastic in your kitchen.

Hawos electric grain mills come in 10 different designs and sizes and all in a beautiful wooden housing.  For those that feel that these wooden pieces of art don’t fit into their kitchen, don’t worry – Hawos also has grain mills in a variety of coloured premium-treated plastic housings.

Beyond electric household grain mills, Hawos also makes commercial grain mills, manually operated mills, oat flakers, grain storage units as well as clay germinators / sprouters.


Made In Germany

The mills are designed in Germany. The manufacturing is split between Germany and Austria.  The Austrian factory has become well known amongst the industry for its excellent manufacturing quality and the fact that it is staffed by handicapped individuals.  Hawos supports many groups and charities so working with this factory is one way of Hawos giving back to society.  Watch the video and see the manufacturing process in action.